Sunday, February 28, 2016

GodLink #5: Turning

Why are moths so suicidally drawn to light and flame? Most scientists believe that it has to do with how the moths find their way around. It’s called “Transverse Orientation”. Moths use distant, fixed points of light like the moon as beacons to navigate by. So they know which way to fly by the angle they are flying at in relation to the moon.

When moths encounter closer points of light, like electric light or campfires, it messes with their navigation systems, and they become totally disoriented. Their “radar” is scrambled, so to speak, and they end up, more often than not, flying directly into the light source. This results in the tragic deaths of millions of moths because they lose track of their fixed, distant light source which to navigate by.

While sitting with God on the current LENT topic of “Turning” toward God, it struck me firstly that the term “turning” means that by its very definition, you are orienting yourself in one or another direction. On cannot turn in two directions at once. We pick a point, and turn towards or away from it. We pick God over our orientation on food, TV, friendships or relationships. Or not. Whatever we pick though, it is critical to think about the moth analogy here- one cannot have more than one fixed point of orientation. As the verse on money, for example says "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

With the help of the Community I was in, I came to realize that in order to succeed in following Jesus, the one Fixed Point I wanted, I had to turn from a whole bunch of "artificial lights" around me. And I dare say it's a lifelong reality as a follower of Jesus. There are always attractive lights around- lights that look brighter, shinier, warmer or cooler. I've learned that the only question really worth considering is: How badly do you want to get burned. No hellfire puns intended.

So what is distracting you from your Fixed point of Light? And what consequences may you have to face regard to that orientation? Will you lose yourself in it? End up with burn marks from the consequences?

Remember, you can do anything you like. But everything you do has consequences.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

GodLink #4: Community of Believers

Although I started feeling the benefit of being near other Christians almost immediately when starting to go to  Church, I did not truly feel the working of God into my own life through others until I started having really deep, candid conversations with some of my new Christian friends. The healing, encouragement and support that comes from sharing ones story with another who truly cares, and has the same world view as you have, is incredible. It did more for me than therapy. More than counseling.

So that is how God came to me through others. Through hearing their own life stories, and how God was involved in them. Through having them listen, really listen, and care. And NOT judge, criticize or condemn. I remember the very first person I confided my abhorrent challenges to. She was a colleague who walked very close to God. Her immediate response, without hesitation, was that God can fix this and that I would get through the issues. Not one other confidante had this view. To them the situation was hopeless. Mostly from non-Christian sources, but also from a few "Doubting Thomases" who professed to be followers of Jesus.

In the years since those first dark days, I have been blessed with a Community of Believers around me that exceeds the bounds of our local church. It spans continents. I have "Soul Friends", Spiritual Guides, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Men's Groups & Spiritual Supervision Groups. All who are placed to feed & grow my own spirituality while I get to feed & grow others in the same way. I cannot imagine living life & facing the challenges of daily existence without these networks. And it started with 2: My dear wife, and a work colleague. TWO people with the same worldview & heart for God helped change my life forever.

So have a chat with that "Christianese" speaking guy at the office. Share a coffee with one of the people you've seen at church before. Call that "Bible Basher" family member & tell them about your journey. See what happens ;)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Godlink #3: God in you

When I started going to church, I really thought my life was okay. How wrong I was. The more I learned about sin, grace and Jesus, the more I started feeling this uncomfortable stirring in my gut that maybe I wasn't "okay". Initially it was a gut feeling- kinda like the way you feel when you're hungry. Then it became a "small voice" the one people always talk about.

So as I learned about the value of silence and solitude,  I learned to give this "little voice" some space to express itself. The amazing thing about this little voice inside me was that, if given the chance, it didn't speak in words to me, but in entire conversations- all within the space of a second. If I allowed the little voice some space, it would instantly convey feelings, meaning and insight into whatever I was thinking about. That, I learned very quickly, was the voice of God, right inside me! 

And it had a name: The Holy Spirit: and it has GIFTS. I still had no idea what to call it- my soul, my spirit, or the Spirit, but knew it was there, alive and ready to communicate with me if I gave it space. It was really hard to discern at first- between the narcissistic voice of my heart, the all-too-logical voice of my head, the tug of the fleshly voice, and a dozen other distracting voices emanating from the private universe inside me. Sometimes I would miss it, drown it, or dismiss it. But more often, as I practice listening for the voice of God inside me, I would recognize it.

Often times, the voice would not leave me alone- it would be so strongly convicting that I would get physical manifestations of it like sweaty palms, elevated heart rate, or a restlessness akin to what the nicotine withdrawal felt like in my smoking days. By just opening myself up, God would honor my efforts and really turn up the volume on the voice :)

Connecting to that piece of God inside you takes practice. It doesn't happen overnight. But God does honor your intention and effort. Give it a try. Regularly. Find a quiet place and TELL God you're opening yourself up to His communication. Then wait. And listen.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Godlink #2: Solitude and Silence

It seems like people are so averse to the concept of silence and solitude, they would rather administer electric shocks to themselves than be left alone with their thoughts for any length of time. Really? Really.

I was taught about silence during my first weeks at my church Mosaiek. It started with 2 mins of "reflection time" in their services. Then 10 mins in the Chapel Services (Lectio Divina). At first I was just distracted, my mind resembling a tumble dryer of thoughts, images and feelings. But at least I became aware of that inner movement. In time, I learned to quiet the crazy spinning a little, and that was scary. All of a sudden I was reflecting on my actions, and on my life, and it wasn't pretty. I see why people would rather torture themselves than face their inner lives, especially if they're as black as mine was.

But something kept pushing me. Or drawing me. I only understood that Mystical Drawing Force much later. But I kept pressing on. Looking for solitude- time alone- and for times of silence. I would later learn that I was hearing God speak to me- not in words, but through my conscience, guilt and convictions. It was like I was awakening from some drug induced coma and seeing my life for what it was for the first time in my life. And, truth be told, I wondered if slipping back into that warm, safe coma wouldn't be easier than dealing with all this harsh reality.. But I didn't. Somewhere deep inside me something- no some ONE-  was coming to life: a new me. A new being. And that being was horrified and repulsed by the old being's life.

In my solitude and silence, I was finding out who the man was that God created. Not the boy that was faking it here on earth, but the man God was looking for in me. And the man had a LOT of work to do- to restore the havoc the boy had created in his life. I learned about words like repentance , restitution, forgiveness, temptation, and about what Jesus did for me. But I'm getting ahead of myself- even secular culture is starting to see the value in becoming still! Try some solitude and silence- see what's going on in your own inner life!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Godlink #1: The Church

For me, the most visible and effective start to finding Links to God was when I started going to church. When I first joined a Community of Believers.  That's where the scales started falling from my eyes. For the Apostle Paul this happened in a direct encounter with Jesus, but for me it was a little less dramatic, more gradual, and started in church.

When I went to church for the first time since my late teens, it had been over 20 years since my last purposeful visit (weddings & funerals aside). Those first months in church I was still black with sin, and knew it, kinda. It's amazing what you learn to accept, do and feel as right when you're drifting in the world. So I knew I wasn't "perfect" but it was in church I realized the true horror of my sins. The actual effect they were having on my life and on the lives of those around me. And no I wasn't threatened with hell. Rather, I was taught about God's grace, and of the existence of sin and it's impact in this world.

As my eyes opened more and more, I was more and more shocked. Stunned. I couldn't believe I thought I was "ok" when in reality what I was busy with in my life was nothing short of demonic. And again, no one pointed this out to me from a podium- all they did was encourage me to seek God further, in Scripture, in the counsel of others, inside myself. All I did was respond to God's call- the Prevenient Grace embedded in me at conception.

I have come to see church as a critical part of my Spiritual life. When blogger Christian Piatt talks about going to church, he refers to a saying: "Going to Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car". I concur. Going there in itself doesn't qualify me for heaven, doesn't give me any special privileges or rights in the Kingdom of God- I don't earn "brownie points" with God for going. But it is in that environment where other things happened- where I was supported, enabled, freed to take risks by confessing my struggles, where I opened my soul up. I forget who said it: "Church is a safe place where one can take big risks". It is in the pews of my church where I was finally set free from the bondage of sin. Freed from the secrets, the lies, the captivity.
It is to this place I invite you. This weekend. Your local church. Just pick one and go. Or go back to the one you haven't been to since that funeral last year. Just go. And go again. And see what happens. What have you got to lose? An hour a week? You spend more time in traffic than that.

Friday, July 24, 2015

The GodLinks Roadmap

So where do we start?

Although I will be numbering the GodLinks as I work through them in this blog, it is important to know that God's work in each of our lives is tailored to our own unique situation, and our own personalities. You may therefore find that people are perfectly good followers of Christ but do not attend a formal church, which is my GodLink #1. And although I think all followers of Christ should attend church and be part of that community, it was not so for these people, and that's something I've had to make peace with. God will work with people in His own way.

Having said that, I will be making a case for each of the GodLinks, and will encourage you to try them all. The logic is simple: on a diet of one food group only, say potatoes, our bodies miss out on other nutrients, which could lead to our bodies becoming weak and susceptible to disease. Just so in the Spiritual realm, it would make sense to explore as many contact points with God as possible to ensure a healthy Spiritual connection with Him. Biblically speaking, we are also encouraged to grow and strengthen our spirituality.

I would love to hear from you if you have experience in connecting with God in any of the areas as they come up as blog posts. Please comment and share your experiences. May God bless you on this journey :)

Friday, July 17, 2015

If we all CAN hear from God, why is it some of us never do??

There are a few reasons why we don't "hear" from God, not least of which is our distracted lifestyle. We just don’t make time for connecting with God. We’re so caught up in “doing life” that we end up on a treadmill- sleepwalking through our lives- detached, disengaged, self absorbed and frustrated. Who can connect with anything in that distracted mood? The only thing we can effectively do is sit and stare at hour after hour of TV, listen to hour after hour of music, or lose ourselves in pointless relationships doing things that have no eternal value. And that’s BEFORE we start talking about some of the “formal” addictions and temptations. We are so overloaded- with sound, sight, technology, noise- this really busy life- that we just become so desperate to feel ANYTHING that we resort to, well, literally ANYTHING to dull the din.

So to state it a little more bluntly: Our sin and distraction keep us away from God. He loves all of us, draws all of us to Him, but hates our sins. He has already placed in all of us the capability for connection with Him (previous post on this), but we have our headphones on with a “Do not disturb” sign on the door while we indulge in the world and all it has to offer.

So what? Isn’t life “for the living”? Don’t you only get one life and must make it count? Shouldn’t you “Carpe” the “diem”?

Well, yes and no. Living fully for God, His purposes and His plans for your life daily? Yes. Living each day as if it were your last and carelessly indulging in everything possible? Nope. Ever thought that you’re probably going to wake up tomorrow? And the day after? And the day after that? There are odds that you would. And then you will have no plan. No future. And that is misery at its basest form: to live day after day without hope or plan. Some even call it hell, or hell on earth. But God gives us both: Hope and  plan. It is up to us to choose to seek out His will, then go do it. To follow it and to let go of anything disrupting that plan.

This “following after God’s will to get life” is something more caught than taught. I can write chapter after chapter on the benefits of following God’s will in your life, but if you don’t try it- taste it- you will never understand quite how this transformative power of accessing the Source of all things works. so I will encourage you from the outset: seek Him and see what happens. Do the things you learn Jesus wants you to do in your life, maintain them for a time and see what happens. Give the seeds sown in your heart as you read this, time to grow, to mature, to take root in your life, and see what happens. Most of us have nothing to lose: what we’ve been doing up to now may not have worked so well, so why not give this a full go?

In the next few moments you will be faced with a decision, small, seemingly insignificant or maybe it's a huge one that could change your life forever. Either way, there is a right decision, and a wrong one. Do the next right thing. Then the next, and the next. And one decision at a time you will be moving closer to God.