Friday, July 17, 2015

If we all CAN hear from God, why is it some of us never do??

There are a few reasons why we don't "hear" from God, not least of which is our distracted lifestyle. We just don’t make time for connecting with God. We’re so caught up in “doing life” that we end up on a treadmill- sleepwalking through our lives- detached, disengaged, self absorbed and frustrated. Who can connect with anything in that distracted mood? The only thing we can effectively do is sit and stare at hour after hour of TV, listen to hour after hour of music, or lose ourselves in pointless relationships doing things that have no eternal value. And that’s BEFORE we start talking about some of the “formal” addictions and temptations. We are so overloaded- with sound, sight, technology, noise- this really busy life- that we just become so desperate to feel ANYTHING that we resort to, well, literally ANYTHING to dull the din.

So to state it a little more bluntly: Our sin and distraction keep us away from God. He loves all of us, draws all of us to Him, but hates our sins. He has already placed in all of us the capability for connection with Him (previous post on this), but we have our headphones on with a “Do not disturb” sign on the door while we indulge in the world and all it has to offer.

So what? Isn’t life “for the living”? Don’t you only get one life and must make it count? Shouldn’t you “Carpe” the “diem”?

Well, yes and no. Living fully for God, His purposes and His plans for your life daily? Yes. Living each day as if it were your last and carelessly indulging in everything possible? Nope. Ever thought that you’re probably going to wake up tomorrow? And the day after? And the day after that? There are odds that you would. And then you will have no plan. No future. And that is misery at its basest form: to live day after day without hope or plan. Some even call it hell, or hell on earth. But God gives us both: Hope and  plan. It is up to us to choose to seek out His will, then go do it. To follow it and to let go of anything disrupting that plan.

This “following after God’s will to get life” is something more caught than taught. I can write chapter after chapter on the benefits of following God’s will in your life, but if you don’t try it- taste it- you will never understand quite how this transformative power of accessing the Source of all things works. so I will encourage you from the outset: seek Him and see what happens. Do the things you learn Jesus wants you to do in your life, maintain them for a time and see what happens. Give the seeds sown in your heart as you read this, time to grow, to mature, to take root in your life, and see what happens. Most of us have nothing to lose: what we’ve been doing up to now may not have worked so well, so why not give this a full go?

In the next few moments you will be faced with a decision, small, seemingly insignificant or maybe it's a huge one that could change your life forever. Either way, there is a right decision, and a wrong one. Do the next right thing. Then the next, and the next. And one decision at a time you will be moving closer to God.

1 comment:

  1. I agree; I do however feel that one must realise that God doesn't always speak in a way that we would think He would or should speak. Sometimes - most of the times it means being silent, and just listening; To notice the detail, time and effort He has interwoven into creation, just for us to notice. One might even notice how small we are, in relation to all of creation.

    I also feel that to do Something is better than to not do anything at all and that there isn't necessarily a 'right' and a 'wrong' choice.There is maybe a better choice, but in the end it comes down to just making a choice, to start to move. Because then you will find out what you like and don't like in life.
    I think that there are a lot of christians out there, who is "waiting on God" and in the end miss a lot of opportunities; ones that God probably intended for us to take.

    God wants us to be happy. He knows what we want. Everything about us. And he wants to give all that we need. Yes, I don't think He really cares if we choose the red car or the blue car. He Cares that we Include him in our lives. Spend time in His word. And that we seek him in all we do.
